Monde·s Multiple·s
2020 + 2021Graphic conception, identity design and realization of communication supports for the annual events Monde·s Multiple·s, which take over the Rencontres Bandits-Mages (name until 2019), in Bourges. This new start was the opportunity to reinvent the communication of the event on several scales: print, web, and various declinations with the help and the unfailing collaboration of the association Antre Peaux, carrying the project, in a process of both heritage and prospective.
The 2020 edition has unfortunately suffered the wave of Covid19 worldwide, which has prevented the print media from seeing the light of day...
L’édition 2021 reprend presque intégralement la création « manifeste » de 2020 en y ajoutant une collaboration graphique avec The artist and illustrator FAUST, This time printed in offset and silkscreen, for the greatest pleasure of the public of this high quality event.
The title Monde.s Multiple.s (Multiple.s World.s) came from an original book of the author Don Foresta, Mondes Multiples written in 1986-87 and published in 1991 (year of creation of Bandits-Mages) by B.S. The book develops his theories on the relation between art and science, art and new technologies, the role of the artist as researcher.
More informations: http://mondesmultiples.antrepeaux.net/